Friday, May 15, 2020

Background And Background Of Social Work Essay - 1678 Words

1. Experience, background and/or relationships that have influenced your selection of social work as your professional career (family, education, employment, diversity experience, volunteer involvements, and personal characteristics, etc.). The past few years, I have had the opportunity to be a part of many various non-profit internships and AmeriCorps programs, that have opened my eyes to underlying issues that we oversee. Most of the time talk about war, the economy, money and solutions to fix the problems, but rarely do we come up with solutions to help foster youths, youths in poverty, youths in inner cities and in title one schools. In Arizona, alone about 25.2% children alone live in poverty with some type of family. When looking at statistics like that or working with my students in title one schools, foster home and inner city schools, I don’t see them as statistics, I just see them as my students. But the funny thing is, we are very quick to judge. We judge how far they will go in school and in life; based off location, family and school district. We rarely give these kids a chance in general. Instead we place them in a box, a box in which they can’t get out of, push them down the prison pipeline, because let’s be real, we know that’s where they belong based off their actions. We push them down the pipeline, and make them believe that that’s their life path and no one or anyone will or can change it. About two years ago, I did an internship in Providence, RhodeShow MoreRelatedBackground Checks : Why Take Them Away?1630 Words   |  7 PagesBackground checks: Why take them away? Have you ever wondered why the United States of America insists on making sure everyone has a background check when they pursue any type of job? 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